Anti-Racism Ally Network
The Anti-Racism Ally Network is part of the BME Staff Network (BMESN)

Our Mission
To create a supportive community and culture to tackle systemic racism at the University of Oxford.
- Proactively raise awareness of race equality and how bias affects racially minoritised groups in the UK
- Support and amplify the voices of racially minoritised staff
- Develop and maintain relationships with other equality-related staff networks
Open to all staff at the University of Oxford and Oxford colleges who are interested in learning more about and supporting anti-racism work at Oxford.
Committee Members
Kirsty Jackson (she/her)
Mary Logan (she/her)
Sarah Randall (she/her)
Joseph Talbot (he/him)
Four steps to becoming an Ally:
- Sign up for the online training Tackling race bias at work.
- Read books, Anti-racism resources and participate in discussion groups, including TORCH's Race and Resistance seminars.
- Find out more about the University's work on Race Equality through the Race Equality Charter and the Race Equality Taskforce.
- Use your privilege to amplify supressed voices.
- Support the demands of the BMESN and other anti-racism groups.
- Listen to what your BAME friends and colleagues are saying.
- Join us on the Anti-Racism Ally Network. The Anti-Racism Ally Network was formed by a group of voluntary members from the BME Staff Network in the summer of 2020. It aims to create a supportive community to tackle systemic racism at the University of Oxford. You will receive the network newsletter which will contain suggestions of readings/videos/podcasts, tips on how to be an ally, be invited to relevant events and contribute to create a supportive community of allies.
- Have conversations with people who deny racism.
- Be a Responsible Bystander.
- Report bullying and harassment.
Anti-Racism Ally Network Newsletter
Our newsletter contains information about events, recommended reading and possible actions that you might take. The views expressed in the newsletter are those of the contributors.