
Upcoming Events:


University of Oxford EDI Community of Practice Training Conference 

16 and 17 September 2024, 9 am to 4pm

Blavatnik School of Government, 120 Walton Street, Oxford 

Day 1 - In person, Day 2, hybrid. 


This 2 day conference is designed for Oxford professionals interested in enhancing their knowledge in Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and professional development related to aspects of these roles. We have a few remaining in person tickets and there is space to join us online on the second day too.  

Parents with babies or children under two are welcome to bring them along - please get in touch if you're planning to do so. There are facilities at the Blavatnik including baby change, highchairs, and a quiet/private space.  
Not a member of the EDI Community of Practice? No problem. The event is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about EDI good practice.  

Find out more


Athena Swan Showcase 

24 September, 9:30am – 12:00pm (with lunch from 12:00 – 13:00pm) 
Thatcher Business Education Centre, Said Business School 

Join the Equality and Diversity Unit (EDU) to learn about the impact of Athena Swan across the University and gain insight in how to successfully advance gender equality. The event will feature: 
•    An overview of progress on gender equality and Athena Swan over the last ten years 
•    Presentations from departments and faculties on impactful and innovative approaches to address gender inequities, and; 
•    Discussions and networking opportunities with colleagues from across the University 

As part of the event, we will welcome guests as part of the annual meeting of the International Alliance of Research Universities’ Gender Group, so there will also be an opportunity to network with colleagues working internationally on gender equality. 
Attendance is limited by space, so please register your interest early. 

Register here


Past events:


Breaking Barriers: Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in academic career progression at The University of Oxford


Co-authors Dr Mahima Mitra and Professor Sue Dopson, Professor Tim Soutphommasane (Chief Diversity Officer), the University’s Equality and Diversity team and Saïd Business School launched the Breaking Barriers report at a special event on 29 May 2024.

Find out more about the report


The Power of Perspectives: Diversifying Oxford’s Committees   

Why should we put equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at the heart of Oxford's committees? 


In 2021, the University committed to ensuring University decision-making and governance structures are representative of the University community by setting targets for representation of Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) staff and women on Council and its main committees. These targets are accompanied by a number of actions in the institutional Athena Swan and Race Equality charter action plans.

The University has around 150 members of staff that are elected to sit on the University’s main committees, divisional and faculty boards - helping them play a vital role in the governance of the University. Each year, new committee members are recruited in  Trinity term. Ahead of this annual opportunity to introduce fresh thinking into University decision-making, this talk explored why diversity on panels matters and how you can get involved. Hosted by Professor Tim Soutphommasane, Chief Diversity Officer, with Professor Patricia Daley and Professor Helen McShane

To find out about all the upcoming EDI-related events across the university, sign up to receive the EDI Hub Bulletin. 


Subscribe to the EDI Bulletin


Calendar of EDI dates 2024/25

You may find this list of awareness days and weeks useful for timing events and communications activities. 

Departments can also use this calendar to provide advance notice of the festivals for which staff might reasonably request leave. The University of Oxford is a diverse community, with people from many religious and cultural backgrounds.  While this calendar is intended as a starting point, we recognise that there may be other dates that are significant to individuals.  We encourage you to make any requests for annual leave in plenty of time.

If we have missed an important date or got something wrong please let us know.

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Date National/International Day Religious Observation
  East and Southeast Asian (ESEA) Heritage Month  
7th   Ganesh Chaturthi (Hindu)
10th World Suicide Prevention Day   
14th   Triumph of the Cross (Christian)
15th   Milad un-Nabi (Islam)
16th Bi Visibility Week begins  
20th International Week of the Deaf begins  
21st World Alzheimer's Day  
22nd   Autumn Equinox/Mabon (Wicca/Pagan)

Bi Visibility Day / International Day of Sign Languages /    

UK National Inclusion Week begins / Migraine Awareness Week begins

29th World Deaf Day  


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st Black History Month (UK) begins / Global Diversity Awareness Month begins / Menopause Awareness Month begins / International Day of Older Persons  
2nd Dyslexia Awareness Week Rosh Hashanah (Judaism)
3rd   Sharad Navratri begins (Hindu)
6th World Cerebral Palsy Day Fast of Gedaliah (Judaism)
7th Dyspraxia Week  
8th Ada Lovelace Day  
10th  World Mental Health Day / World Sight Day  
11th National Coming Out Day Yom Kippur (Judaism)
12th National Hate Crime Awareness Week begins Dussehra (Hindu)
16th International Pronouns Day Sukkot begins (Judaism)
18th World Menopause Day  
20th ACE (Asexual) Awareness Week begins  
23rd   Shemini Atzeret (Judaism)
24th   Simchat Torah (Judaism)
26th Intersex Awareness Day   
29th World Stroke Day  
31st   Diwali (Hindu, Jain, Sikh) / All Hallows' Eve (Christian)


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st Men's Health Awareness Month begins All Saints' Day (Christian)
2nd   All Souls' Day (Christian) 
8th Intersex Day of Solidarity   
10th UK Interfaith Week begins  
11th Anti-Bullying Week begins  
13th World Kindness Day / Transgender Awareness Week begins  
16th Start of Disability History Month (UK)  
19th International Men's Day  
20th Transgender Day of Remembrance  
24th   Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahadur (Sikh)
25th International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women   


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st Universal Month for Human Rights begins / AIDS Awareness Month begins / World AIDS Day Advent Sunday (Christian)
2nd International Day for the Abolition of Slavery   
3rd International Day of People with Disabilities   
10th International Human Rights Day  
15th   Dhanu Sankranti (Hindu)
18th International Migrants Day  
20th International Human Solidarity Day  
24th   Christmas Eve (Christian)
25th   Christmas Day (Christian) / Chanukah begins (Judaism)
28th   Holy Innocents (Christian)
31st   Watch Night (Christian)


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st New Year's Day / Cervical Health Awareness Month begins  
4th World Braille Day   
6th   Epiphany (Christian)
7th   Christmas Day (Orthodox)
13th   Lohri (Buddhist)
18th   Bodhi Day (Buddhist)
19th World Religion Day  
27th Holocaust Memorial Day   
29th Chinese New Year  


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st LGBT+ History Month begins Imbolc (Christian/Pagan/Wiccan)
3rd UK Race Equality Week begins  
11th International Day of Women and Girls in Science  
12th   Magha Puja (Buddhist) / Tu B'Shevat (Judaism)
15th   Parinirvana Day (Buddhist)
26th   Maha Shivratri (Hindu)
28th International STAND UP to Bullying Day  Ramadan begins (Islam)


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st Women's History Month begins / Zero Discrimination Day / International Wheelchair Day  
3rd World Hearing Day  
8th International Women's Day   
17th Neurodiversity Celebration Week begins  
20th   Spring Equinox/Ostara (Wicca/Pagan)
21st International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination / World Down Syndrome Day  
26th   Lailat-al-Qadr (Islam)
30th  World Bipolar Day  Ugadi (Hindu) / Chaitra Navratri (Hindu) / Eid al-Fitr (Islam)
31st International Transgender Day of Visibility   


Day National/International Day  Religious Observation
1st Autism Awareness Month begins / Stress Awareness Month begins  
2nd World Autism Awareness Day / Autism Acceptance Week begins  
6th International Asexuality Day  
12th   Hanuman Jayanti (Hindu) / Passover (Judaism)
13th   Palm Sunday (Christian)
18th   Good Friday (Christian)
20th   Easter Sunday (Christian) / Orthodox Easter
21st   Easter Monday (Christian)
26th Lesbian Visibility Day  


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st Mental Health Awareness Month Beltane/May Eve (Wicca/Pagan)
15th Global Accessibility Awareness Day  
17th International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia  


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
1st LGBTQ+ Pride Month begins / Gypsy, Roma and Traveller History Month begins/ Global Day of Parents  
5th World Environment Day  
6th    Eid-al-Adha (Islam)
8th   Pentecost (Christian)
9th Carer's Week begins  
14th Global Wellness Day   
18th Autistic Pride Day / South Asian Heritage Month begins  
20th World Refugee Day  
21st World Humanist Day  
22nd UK Windrush Day  
26th   Islamic New Year / Al-Hijra (Islam)


Date National/international day Religious Observation
1st Disability Pride Month begins  
14th International Non-Binary People's Day  


Date National/International Day Religious Observation
9th International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples  
22nd International Day commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence based on Religion or Belief   
23rd International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition  






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