Equality and Diversity Panel

The Panel covers University staff and students and embraces all protected groups. It is chaired by the Chief Diversity Officer. The Panel meets termly and reports to Joint EDI, People, and Education Committees. 
The governance of the Equality and Diversity Panel is currently being reviewed and the Terms of Reference updated. 

E&D Panel membership list as of November 2024
Professor Tim Soutphommasane Chief Diversity Officer Chair
Marilyn Verghis Deputy Head of the Equality and Diversity Unit Ex officio
Prof Benjamin Bollig


Ex officio
Tashana Taylor Deputy Head of the Proctors' Office Proctors' Office Representative
Prof Nandini Gooptu Professor of South Asian Studies at Oxford Department of International Development (ODID) and Fellow at St Antony's College Divisional EDI Academic Representative (Social Sciences)
Prof Simon Park Associate Professor in Medieval and Renaissance Portuguese, Tutorial Fellow at St Anne's College Divisional EDI Academic Representative (Humanities)
Prof Karla Miller Professor of Biomedical Engineering,  Associate Director at Wellcome Centre for Integrative Neuroimaging and Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow Divisional EDI Academic Representative (Medical Sciences) 
Prof Matt Jarvis Professor of Astrophysics at Department of Physics and Fellow at St Cross College Divisional EDI Academic Representative (MPLS)
Catherine Goodwin Planning and Equality Manager Divisional EDI Professional Services Representative (Social Sciences)
Machilu van Bever Donker

Equality and Diversity Officer

Divisional EDI Professional Services Representative (Humanities)
Katherine Corr Athena Swan Advisor and Facilitator Divisional EDI Professional Services Representative (Medical Sciences)
Daisy Hung

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager

Divisional EDI Professional Services Representative (MPLS)
Beverley Harry EDI Project Manager GLAM Representative
Dr Joanna Kemp EDI Programme Manager EDU Representative
Hannah Mackie Training Development & EDI Manager EDI Community of Practice Representative
Ben Tillyer Head of Digital Accessibility ICT Representative
Ben Smith Accessibility Advisor Estates Representative
Anne Mortimer Research Evaluation Lead Research Services Representative
Kathy Noren Co-Director for Student Welfare and Support Services, Head of the Disability Advisory Service Student Welfare and Disability Advisory Services Representative
Dr Samina Khan Director for Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach Representative
Dr Nadia Pollini Director of Graduate Admissions and Recruitment Graduate Admissions and Outreach Representative  

David Isaac CBE

Provost of Worcester College Chair of College Equality & Diversity Forum
Lulwah Shalhoub Deputy Head of University Communications            Public Affairs Directorate Representative

  Bethany Castle

    Senior Development Executive

Development and Alumni Engagement Representative
Renu Gupta Director of Talent HR Representative
Addi Haran Diman President of the Oxford SU Oxford SU Representative
Aprajita Verma Senior Researcher, Department of Physics Chair of BME Staff Network
Sarah Laseke EDI Officer, Department of Economics Chair of LGBT+ Advisory Group
Freyja Madsen Academic Registrar, New College LGBT+ Advisory Group Representative
Dr Catherine Walter Emeritus Fellow, Linacre College Co-chair of Disability Advisory Group
Teresa Pedroso Disability Librarian, Bodleian Libraries Co-chair of Disability Advisory Group
Dr Xin Xu Departmental Lecturer in Higher/Tertiary Education, Department of Education Oxford Research Staff Society Representative
Dr Lisa Forsberg Research Fellow in the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, Faculty of Philosophy and Fellow at Somerville College Oxford Research Staff Society Representative