People at the University of Oxford come from around the world, with very varied backgrounds, beliefs and cultures. We expect all members of the University to treat their colleagues with dignity and respect. As an individual you are entitled to hold your own beliefs, but in your work role you are expected to work with people holding different beliefs.
Communication styles vary in different cultures. To people coming from a culture where the style is more direct, communication at the University may appear very indirect. Be alert to feedback that is phrase as a suggestion: ‘You may like to look at that section again’ implies that the material needs major revision!
The University has an academic culture where people are encouraged to debate and challenge ideas. However the challenges should be on the ideas and approach and not a personal attack on an individual. Similarly, feedback should be constructive, and evidence-based. Some individuals have a more directive management style, but this should be clearly distinguishable from bullying. If you feel that you are being bullied or harassed, you may like to talk about your situation with a Harassment Adviser.
Much of our behaviour is determined by our culture, which may create misunderstandings between people with different expectations. Test any assumptions and be patient in establishing good working relationships with colleagues.