LGBT+ Staff Network

LGBT+ Staff Network logo

The LGBT+ Staff Network welcomes all Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans + Oxford University staff, including OUP and the colleges. Post-graduate students are also welcome to join. The + represents minority gender identities and sexual orientations not included explicitly in the acronym LGBT. The network is inclusive of people with multiple identities, and work collaboratively with the Disabled Staff and BME Staff Networks. 

The LGBT+ Staff Network is formally represented by the LGBT+ Advisory Group. The Network nominates and elects its members to the Advisory Group. 

The Network has a mail list that is used by the LGBT+ Advisory Group to keep Network members up to date on relevant events, opportunities and changes to University policies. The Network also has a Teams Channel for more interactive conversations and updates. The Network holds various meetings throughout the year, both social and work-related. Membership of the list will be kept confidential.

The network also has a page to collect and share community stories, which you can view here.

Social events 

To receive up to date information on events please ensure you join the Staff Network.  Here are a few of the more regular events:  

If you fancy a drink after work then join us for 1st Thursday at the Jolly Farmers, the first Thursday of every month from 6 pm. This is an opportunity to meet new people or catch up with friends in a relaxed friendly atmosphere.  1st Thursday is very informal, you don’t need to confirm whether you’ll be coming or not as we won’t be booking a table. We will have a rainbow flag on the table to help people find us. 

The LGBT+ network’s staff book club is an informal group which meets every 1-2 months to discuss a different book. We read both fiction and non-fiction books, from a range of genres, all featuring LGBTQ+ themes, topics, or representation.

All network members are welcome to attend as and whenever they wish to - there is no commitment, so do feel free to join the Teams channel (via the general 'LGBT+ Staff Network' teams) and see if any upcoming reads take your fancy.

There is no set format for discussion, no pressure to contribute to discussions any more than you wish to, and certainly no need to be a literature expert!

We are currently trialling the use of sober, quiet spaces, thanks to some University funding, and are open to any further feedback on how we can improve accessibility or general experience.

This is a space to get creative! The Queer Crafts Club meets around once every two weeks, at a café in central Oxford (location and dates are variable). Bring along your own crafting projects to work on while chatting to other crafters in a relaxed environment. 

For updates on future Queer Crafts Club meetups, join the main LGBT+ Staff Network Teams channel. Information on Queer Crafts is usually published on the 'Socials' sub-channel.