Race equality actions

In brief

Oxford University is unequivocal in its opposition to racism and discrimination, and we are committed to addressing systemic racism within our own community. 

Ongoing action 

The University has held a Race Equality Charter award since 2018. The University’s participation in the Race Equality Charter provides us with a framework for analysis and results in a comprehensive action plan to promote race equality.

In October 2020, the Vice-Chancellor announced a new Race Equality Task Force, to accelerate racial equality across the collegiate University of Oxford, to ensure that all people and perspectives are valued, and that, in practice, opportunities are open to all people without racial discrimination.

Following a University-wide consultation in Michaelmas Term 2021, Council approved the final Race Equality Strategy and resourcing plan. Both elements will feed into the University’s Race Equality Charter (REC) submission for 2023.  

Learn more

In depth


Race Equality Task Force members have shared their experiences in a series of blogs. Staff and student members provide context for some of the proposals included in the consultation, and share their personal views and reasons for being involved.

Online talks 

Watch inspiring talks from the ‘Conversations on Race’ online series that took place in Summer 2021. External speakers discuss their experiences of advancing race equality in their contexts.

The first talk in the series with Professor Saleem Badat

Conversations on Race discussion series with Professor Saleem Badat



The second talk in the series with Dean Claudine Gay

Conversations on Race with Dean Claudine Gay


The third talk in the series with Harry Matovu QC and Kathleen Russ 

Conversations on Race discussion series with Harry Matovu QC and Kathleen Russ



race equality charter bronze award logo


Contact us

For enquiries about race equality email:



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